
The 5 best iOS apps for International Talk Like A Pirate Day


Ahoy, mateys! In case you hadn't caught wind of today's significance, let me be the one to welcome you aboard: Today is International Talk Like A Pirate Day! If you'd like to participate, feel free to make horrible puns (as I've been doing all day) and enjoy some of the best pirate-themed games currently available for your iPhone or iPad. Arrrrrrrrrre ya with me? (Sorry, I'll stop now)

pirate apps

Sid Meier's Pirates! ($4.99) - A classic game that got a whole new lease on life thanks to the iPad, Pirates! is a fantastic action game that offers a nostalgic feel that might just bring a tear to your eye. They don't make games like this anymore.

pirate apps

Assassin's Creed Pirates (Free) - A surprisingly competent spin-off of the console-borne Assassin's Creed francise, Pirates makes the open sea your battleground. The game looks absolutely gorgeous on Retina displays and while the character development is a bit weak, the fast-paced naval action makes up for it.

curse of monkey island

The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition ($2.99) - This point-and-click adventure game has a fantastic story and loveable characters, not to mention great touch-based click controls that are a joy to use. The game originally appeared on PC many years ago, but the iOS version is absolutely worth your time whether you've experienced the adventure before or not.

pirate apps

Pirates Journey: Into the Caribbean (Free) - What do pirates have to do with a tower defense game? Who cares?! Build your defenses and push back your enemies in this lighthearted strategy game with great graphics and obnoxious characters.

pirate apps

Crimson: Sea Pirates (Free) - Steampunk ships and 24 different voyages tell an intriguing tale set on the high seas in Crimson. The game's turn-based gameplay is both strategic and action-oriented and will keep you busy for short bursts and long play sessions alike.

[Photo credit: Peasap]