
WoW Moviewatch: The Warlock: Episode 2 - LFG

I've always been one of those people that enjoys solo questing. Don't get me wrong, I also enjoy being in a guild and enjoy being social, but I just prefer to read quest text at my leisure, which isn't exactly conducive to group play. That, and I kind of like the challenge of trying to beat things solo -- sure, a quest might say it's intended for a group, but I like trying to figure out how to complete it on my own. Today's Moviewatch is the second episode in a series by Nixxiom simply called The Warlock, and it deals with one of the other sides of group questing -- a slightly more unpleasant one.

Generally speaking, if I'm out questing in the wilds of Azeroth, a random invite from a stranger isn't something I look forward to dealing with. I have to say though, after watching the second episode of this series, I'm kind of a fan of Antos, the new character and self professed best mage on Azeroth. I wasn't sure about him at first, but seven minutes in there was a moment in which I was completely, utterly sold. I don't know where this series is going to go from here, but I'm looking forward to seeing it. If you missed episode one, be sure to check that one out as well.

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