
One Shots: Because who wouldn't want a 12-story-tall killing machine?


What does this sight make you think of? Voltron? Pacific Rim? A convenient excuse to wet yourself in front of your fellow soldiers? Thank goodness it's not fully online and operational, or else we'd be facing down a mechanical killing machine that would take a million-person raid to bring down.

"I call this one 'You're Gonna Need a Bigger Bot'," reader Bunglerm00se submitted. "Yes, that is a several-stories-high killer robot, and no, this one doesn't have that cute boy from Sons of Anarchy calling the shots in its brainpan. I was already pre-disposed to liking WildStar, but this is one of the visuals that sealed the deal."

Wait... am I the only one who piddled in my bloomers? C'mon, guys, I thought we were in this together!

We're starting to see more ArcheAge screenies trickle in, although it's hardly the flood that I was expecting. Still, this is one gorgeous nighttime shot of an abomination to science taking in the evening air.

"This is my Firran Stormcrow on his first trade pack mission enjoying the scenery beneath the binary moons," reader David said. Unfortunately, David could not be with us to celebrate the release of his picture on One Shots, as he was ganked, looted, and left for the buzzards about six minutes after taking this shot.

Reader Bill has our next one: "I think this qualifies as one of the crazy mount shots on the month. Here is the new RIFT Cobalt Thresher mount with rider taking the dog out for the morning walk on the beach."

Hi Bill. I have a few questions if I might. (1) Is that shark walking around and breathing on land? (2) If so, how have these sharks not conquered the world and caused us to stop sleeping entirely due to our terror? (3) Is that dog wearing a top hat? (4) Is that person wearing a dog head?

Our final screenshot is an entry into our annual fashion show by the lovely Chiara. "This is my oriental princess ensemble from Vindictus," she writes. "I just wanted to put together something very different initially, and my love for Korean hanboks did the rest."

Because I had to look that up, I will tell you that a hanbok "is the traditional Korean dress" that is "often characterized by vibrant colors and simple lines without pockets." Also, I now want one because the guy version looks pretty cherry.

One thing I've noticed lately is that many of you are sharing your screenshots with each other in the comments section of One Shots. That's awesome! I am a little bummed that so few of those screenies are ever sent my way, so my challenge this week is for you to take an extra 20 seconds to email in those pictures with descriptions to the One Shots account so we can promote them up here too. Thanks!

Want to be featured in a future edition of One Shots? Send your favorite MMO screenshots to, and don't forget to include your name, the name of the game, and a description of the scene. Large, colorful, UI-free shots that tell a story and really show off the game make for the best images. Look ma, we brought back One Shots!