
Entwined Challenge adds unlockables, new scoring system

You can play on-the-go matchmaker by guiding an unlikely partnering in Entwined Challenge, a mobile version of developer Pixelopus' twin-stick matchmaker on the PS4, PS3 and Vita. Aside from a meager 99-cent price in comparison to the $9.99 journey found on PlayStation platforms, Entwined Challenge adds a new scoring system to Entwined's Challenge Mode and, as noted by its store description, offers "never before seen" unlockables in the form of concept art, sketches and video clips.

Weekend Editor Sam Prell soared through the original release, finding simplicity to be "simultaneously Entwined's greatest strength and its biggest weakness." A "relatively bare construction" kept the experience short and visual hiccups also occasionally hindered Sam's flight patterns. Still, for anyone that finds short bursts of relaxed gameplay inviting, Sam remarked that Entwined "utterly succeeds" on that front.

[Image: PlayStation Mobile Inc.]