
Combine Colors: Add the colors and mix the numbers

Players swipe to combine number bubbles of the same color to avoid filling up the board in Combine Colors

Combining number bubbles of the same color to add up to higher numbers to keep the screen from being filled with bubbles is the objective in Combine Colors (free with in app purchases). The gameplay is very similar to Threes! or 2048 with the concept of sliding numbers together to create larger numbers while avoiding filling up the screen with numbers. However, the difference with Combine Colors is that players can only add numbers that share the same color bubble. Combine Colors is compatible with iOS devices running iOS 6.0 or later.

When players combine bubbles that total 10, the bubble turns green which adds another color into the mix to try and combine. Once the number hits 100, the bubble turns blue which adds yet another challenge for players. This is a great way to add more depth to the gameplay and keeps it from getting stale as quickly.

Players unlock achievements in Combine Colors

Combine Colors features Game Center support. This means challenges with friends and 14 achievements, including unlocking the seventh color bubble. This adds a lot of replay value to the game as players can utilize the challenging nature of getting the highest score. Other times, players are able to kick back and relax with the game's non-timed environment.

A banner ad remains at the bottom of the screen and plagues some of Combine Colors' fun puzzle aesthetics, distracting players from the gameplay. Combine Colors has an option to save a checkpoint but it is only available through an in app purchase. The save checkpoint doesn't make a lot of sense for casual players. Likewise, competitive players enjoy the challenge of beating the game without a checkpoint.

Players combine number bubbles of the same color in Combine Colors

Combine Colors is free on the App Store and offers a good challenge that is surprisingly relaxing. Players can take their time swiping the bubbles to align them. The game is recommended for players who want a variation of games like Three! or 2048.