
Caturday: Douglas is very possessive of his Apple products

Douglas the cat hogging all of Larry Davidson's computer equipment

You can't blame a cat for hogging all of the computer equipment in a house. After all, you probably pay more attention to the electronics than you do to your cat (or at least the cat will think so...), so he's going to try to do his best to grab all of it.

That's what Larry Davidson's cat Douglas ("we call him Douglas because he has so much fur") apparently has in mind. Larry says that "Douglas always says 'it's all mine' as he walks on my iMac keyboard, but here he's being especially possessive with the iPad, iPod, printer, and scanner in addition." Frankly, I could see where Douglas could use a scanner to make copies of cat food coupons, print pictures from @EmrgencyKittens on the printer, and listen to the score of Cats on the iPod. And all of you Caturday regulars know that our feline friends use Macs and iPads with a passion.

We'd love to see photos of your favorite feline soaking up the warmth of an Apple product, chasing a Magic Mouse, or just being a general nuisance while you're attempting to work on your Mac, iPad, or iPhone. Please let us know via our feedback page and please remember that your cat photo has to have some sort of connection to Apple or its products. For security reasons we can't accept inbound attachments, so you should host the photo (Dropbox, Flickr, iPhoto Journals, etc.) and send us the link.

Many thanks to Larry Davidson and Douglas!