
Final Fantasy 14 expansion Heavensward announced

Square Enix MMO Final Fantasy 14 will be receiving its first expansion in spring 2015, reports our sister site, Massively. The expansion, called "Heavensward," will feature new jobs, a new race, new primals to fight, a level cap raise to 60 and new areas to explore, including the city-state of Ishgard, which is constantly at war with a horde of intelligent dragons.

There's still plenty unanswered at this point in time. What are the new jobs? What is the new race and what does it look like? Is the expansion's title supposed to be "heaven sword" and "sword" is just misspelled? Or is it "heavens ward"? So many questions! Good thing we'll be able to find out more during the London Fan Festival on October 25.

For now, if you're dying for any and every bit of Heavensward you can get, check out a teaser trailer after the break.

[Image: Square Enix]