
What's up with Engadget Expand?

We're just two weeks away from our free Engadget Expand event, taking place at New York City's Javits Center on November 7th and 8th and there's still so much to tell you about. If you can't join us in person, don't worry -- we'll keep you updated throughout the weekend with dispatches from the show floor and our livestream here on Engadget.

'Beam Yourself' to Expand

How does winning a free trip to Engadget Expand sound? Thanks to our sponsors and JetBlue Airways, we're flying one lucky winner and a guest to New York City for the big event. Also, the 10 first prize winners will get a block of time to roam around the show floor from wherever they are using Suitable Technologies BeamPro devices. Be sure to enter for your shot by 11:59 PM on Tuesday, October 28th.

Taking to the Stage

We've packed the schedule with some awesome folks including musician and producer RJD2, Paul Eremenko of Google's Project Ara and DARPA's Arati Prabhakar. Today, we're adding a few more to the lineup:

You can find out who else is coming in the gallery below and know when they're taking to the stage using our schedule.

Hands-on Workshops

To experience the future of technology, sometimes you have to get your hands in the mud (though we're not planning on having anything that messy). We've lined up a bunch of interactive workshops that will keep guests of all ages fully entertained. Here's some of what you can expect:

  • The LEGO® MINDSTORMS® robot-building competition will come to life at Expand. Come watch folks build a robot that can either "take" Manhattan or "take care" of it and get a shot at a LEGO MINDSTORMS trophy and a $500 LEGO® gift card.

  • DODOcase will let you build your very own VR headset using its simple cardboard kit and your smartphone.

  • Make: Magazine will offer a couple of workshops including one where participants can create a wearable circuit that lives on multiple bodies and responds to a social interaction between two people -- bringing social media to real life.

  • Eyebeam will show you how to make a wireless network of your very own with the Raspberry Pi and BATMAN ADV protocols. It may sound complicated, but they'll keep it simple.

  • SparkFun will bring you up to speed on the Internet of Things (IoT), showing you how to make a connected object with low-cost materials. The workshop is designed for folks with little to no coding experience.

For more details, check out the schedule.

Showing off the latest in technology

We've announced OnePlus, Suitable Technologies, Matterport, Huawei, GizmoSphere and GIROPTIC as some of the companies ready to show you what they're up to on the Expand show floor. Find out in the gallery below who you can hang out with and we'll have many more to announce next week.

Insert Coin Semi-finalists

These 10 semi-finalists will show off their inventions onstage at Expand for a shot at our $10,000 Judges' Choice and $15,000 Reader's Choice awards. Find out more about these folks in the gallery below and get ready to cast your vote for the Reader's Choice portion during Expand.

Update: We regret to announce that Niki Werkheiser will be unable to attend Engadget Expand New York. In her place, Anna Kaziunas France, Digital Fabrication Editor, Maker Media Inc. will join us.

[Photo: Richard Levine/Alamy (Javits Center)]