
Joystiq Streams: Halo: The Master Chief Collection restarts the fight

Ten years later, it's hard to believe that Master Chief couldn't always dual wield those snappy pistols. Has it been so long since we messed each other up in Coagulation? Did 3650 days really pass between now and the first time we saw Master Chief ride that bomb right into a Covenant ship? Now that Halo: The Master Chief is officially in our hands, it's all coming back to us. And now it's coming back to you as we stream a slice of the newly-remastered Halo 2.

Join us on at 5:30PM EST for a one hour chunk of the freshly HD-ified Halo 2. Ludwig Kietzmann (@LudwigK) will be playing through a chapter of the campaign while Earnest Cavalli hangs out in the chat. broadcasts every Tuesday and Thursday at 4:00PM EST, in addition to many other unpredictable times throughout the week. Follow us on Twitch to catch us whenever we're live.

[Images: Microsoft]