
Breakfast Topic: A week to BlizzCon

I've never actually been, but it's still very much a big deal here, with the prospect of new announcements, panels where the developers talk about their games, friends going to meet up (in a way it's the saddest time of the year for me, as I've never been and likely never will go) - so I'm always very much aware of BlizzCon and its approach. This year it's followed hard upon by Warlords of Draenor which is also a big deal because, well, new content after over a year of Siege of Orgrimmar. Who wouldn't be excited? I'm wondering if we'll just get news about Warlords at this year's BlizzCon, or if we'll maybe hear about something else for WoW.

So now I get to ask you - are you excited for BlizzCon yet?