
Vizzywig 8xHD price tag now a very affordable $49.99

Vizzywig 8xHD screenshot

Until a few months ago, your choices for shooting 4K Ultra High Definition (UHD) video were to use a dedicated - and very expensive - 4K video camera or DSLR. Then in September, developer Michael Zaletel and his company i4Software released Vizzywig 4K, a US$999.99 UHD app that used an iPhone 5s and a tweak on burst mode to capture 4K video. At the time, I was very impressed with the app, noting that "The app itself is great and does some remarkable things. It has put a 4K video camera and editing suite into an off-the-shelf iPhone 5s -- a truly amazing feat. But Vizzywig 4K could do so much more if it was priced sensibly."

Well, if you wanted the ability to shoot 4K video but didn't have deep enough pockets to afford the $1000 to buy Vizzywig 4K, you're going to be very happy with the announcement that the app has now been given a $49.99 price tag. It's also been given a new name - Vizzywig 8xHD - to reflect the fact that each video frame captured by the app contains more than eight times the number of pixels as 720p video.

Other new features include compatibility with iOS 8.1, a focus check tool, multi-camera support, improved calculations for transitions and improved lower-thirds titles.

Zaletel notes that the company is offering refunds to anyone who purchased the app at the $1000 price point. Vizzywig 8xHD captures video at the highest frame rate (24 fps) on an iPhone 5s; the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus are limited to 10 fps under iOS 8.1. There's also a new 4K demo video available on YouTube so you can see the best the app can deliver -- be sure to set the player resolution to 4K.