
WoW Moviewatch: Pride - Trailer

Machinima artist Suge has been quietly working on a full-out movie involving the events of the Siege of Orgrimmar, and put together a trailer for the film that includes some character work as well as a selection of fight scenes and actual raiding. With all of that thrown together in a two minute trailer, Pride looks like it's going to be absolutely stunning when it comes out. There are a few things every movie trailer should do, but top of that list is making the viewer want to watch the actual film, and Suge totally nailed that here.

Between gorgeous video editing, some pretty awesome voice work, and a music track that is suitably ominous and inspiring, Suge has put together a perfect trailer. I particularly love the way audio tracks from the Siege of Orgrimmar are interwoven among the voice acting. The film looks like it's going to be featuring some fights from the heroic -- now mythic -- difficulty of Siege of Orgrimmar, which should be a treat in and of itself. Take a look at the trailer, and sit tight for the full film, which should be out soon.

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