
Around Azeroth: And the seas shall run red with blood or lava or ketchup or something

Submitter Yseora of Fights Like a Girl on Blackwater Raiders (US-A) writes, "I was running Dragon Soul a few weeks ago and at the end of the raid when Deathwing had been dealt with for the thousandth time, I couldn't help but notice how big and mysterious the whole area was and how little of it you could actually explore. Taking a swig out of my Filled Festive Mug, I ran and jumped off the edge, hoping to get to another rock. Obviously, I wasn't able to make it that far, but I was able to get to the middle of The Maelstrom. Having a rare view of the surrounding area and of Thrall/The Dragon Aspects, it was interesting to see Deathwing's view and how small even the most powerful beings in Azeroth really are."

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