
Closers Online shows off gameplay and characters at G-Star 2014

GI Joe (Anime schoolchildren edition)

Tired of side-scrolling-brawler-style MMOs at this point? Closers Online is a new title coming from Nexon and Naddic Games that works in that mold, allowing players to take on a variety of different opponents in rendered and cel-shaded environments. If that's everything you ever wanted, you'll be happy to know that there's plenty of information on the game at G-Star 2014.

A variety of gameplay modes are available, ranging from normal story missions to special time-limited emergency events that players can queue up for solo or in groups. Players will also have a daily continue limit (possibly offset with microtransactions) and a skill evolution system based on using Skill Cubes found on monsters. Check out the promotional video just past the break courtesy of Steparu if you want to see a bit of the game in action.