
Xeodrifter explores the 3DS eShop next week

Jools Watsham, co-founder of Mutant Mudds developer Renegade Kid, has revealed that the studio's next game, Xeodrifter, will reach the Nintendo 3DS eShop on December 11. It will be priced at $10.

For those who missed October's trailer, Xeodrifter is a classically-styled platforming game with light roleplaying game progression elements that emphasizes exploration of a labyrinthine world while relying on aesthetics that are modern but clearly modeled after the pixel-heavy games of the early 1990s. In other words, it falls squarely into the "Metroidvania" subgenre, though it adds a new wrinkle to the well-worn formula by including the plane-hopping mechanic first seen in Mutant Mudds.

"I am a huge fan of Super Metroid, Metroid: Zero Mission, and Castlevania: Circle of the Moon, and have always wanted to develop a game in that sub-genre," Watsham wrote earlier this year. "The day finally came where the desire to develop it got too strong and I just had to act on it. Xeodrifter was born."

[Image: Renegade Kid]