
The making of Grommash Hellscream

If you've ever been to BlizzCon, you're probably familiar with the super-detailed character statues that adorn the show floor, including Illidan, Tyrael, Jim Raynor, and Kerrigan. This year, a new statue joined the ranks, welcoming con-goers on to the show floor: Grommash Hellscream. Towering over spectators, with one foot resting on Mannoroth's still-smoking head, this larger-than-life orc was more than a little threatening -- with much more of an intimidation factor than anything we'd seen before.

However, Grommash is somewhat less threatening when you see him in pieces in the video above, which explores how the statue was created, from the tiny maquette model to the full-sized sculpt we saw at BlizzCon. Interested in going behind the scenes to see just how this vision of Grommash came to life? Watch and learn.