
Far Cry 2 lead designer Clint Hocking no longer working for Valve

It's emerged Clint Hocking, the lead designer of Far Cry 2 and Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, left Valve towards the end of last year. According to Hocking's blog and his LinkedIn profile, the industry veteran's post as a designer and level designer ended in December 2013.

The former Ubisoft and LucasArts creative director joined Valve in June 2012, but as Game Informer notes, it wasn't known what he was working on there. If the rumor mill is to be believed, Hocking was involved with the as-yet-unannounced Left 4 Dead 3. Back in October, Hocking featured on a supposed list of people working on the game, with ValveTime reporting (via superannuation) the list was procured from an internal Valve database.