
The effects of paying for tech media coverage and other news from Feb. 24, 2014

TUAW news roundup Feb 24

AppleInsider has taken an interesting look

at Apple declining to pay for more positive media coverage, a practice it charges that Samsung engages in. The piece dives into how the slanted reporting works by picking apart the Reuters Edition coverage of the recent iOS 7.0.6 update, then goes on to make some pretty heavy accusations against other media outlets.

The close relationship between Android licensees like Samsung and journalists covering the consumer electronics industry has grown increasingly sketchy. During this year's Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, non other than the Associated Press inked a deal with Samsung that allowed the Korean conglomerate to tweet out sponsored messages as part of the official Associated Press news stream.

CNET reportedly accepted funds from both Samsung and Microsoft to republish and promote positive reviews of their products, including a gushing CNET "editor's choice" that called Samsung's Galaxy S4 the "everything phone for (almost) everyone."

This is a fascinating read and well-worth spending a few minutes of your time to check out.

Other news from Monday afternoon includes:

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