
How to permanently remove Notification Center from OS X

Notification Center

Some OS X users have a love-hate relationship with Notification Center. They appreciate the occasional alert, but don't enjoy the continuous stream when they are busy and don't want to be disturbed.

These OSX users can easily disable Notifications by turning on "Do Not Disturb manually or using a shortcut by option-clicking on the Notification Center icon at the far right end of the menu bar. The icon turns grey to indicate that those banners, sounds and alerts are silenced temporarily.

If you can't stand Notification Center, you can permanently remove it using the following terminal commands:

  1. launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/

  2. killall NotificationCenter

Use these with caution as they will completely disable Notification Center -- it will disappear from the menu bar and OS X won't send along any alerts. If you change your mind, you can easily restore your alerts by reversing your steps as follows:

  1. launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/

  2. If Notification does not automatically appear, then you must manually launch it by opening "/System/Library/CoreServices/" in Finder

  3. Locate"Notification Center" and double-click it to restore it to your menu bar