
Breakfast Topic: How much time do you have for WoW?

It's interesting to me that as the years have passed, I've found myself playing more and yet less at the same time. Managing a 12 hour raid week (three nights, four hours a week) became impossible for me awhile back. Nowadays, I think I raid closer to 9 hours per week, and even that is a lot of time for me. It's not that I don't like the game or playing it any more, it's that I simply have a hard time playing in a way that commits my time for extended periods like that. An hour here and an hour there, not a problem. Four hours in a row is a big problem.

As WoW ages and the players age right alongside it, we'll see more and more of this, so it leads me to ask you -- how much time can you actually spend playing WoW uninterrupted? How much of a day, a week, or a month do you actually spend in Azeroth?