
Download deluxe edition of Dragon Age: Inquisition, sit on a dragon skull throne

Now that everybody expects the Dragon Age: Inquisition in October, EA's seen fit to reveal what's in the game's Digital Deluxe Edition. The $70/£60 bundle features the RPG's digital soundtrack as well as a bunch of in-game goodies. That includes everything from a throne fashioned out of a dragon skull to an unfortunately titled Bog Unicorn.

Check out Origin for the full list of Deluxe bonuses, but if you'd prefer a lower-priced, extras-free download, the standard edition is going for $60/£50. If you're after something more physical, EA said it'll have news on a Collector's Edition in the "next few weeks."

As for the game itself, Inquisition centers around a group of allies tasked with uncovering the truth behind the new evil threatening Thedas. As Executive Producer Mark Darrah explained on the game's site, you play as the leader of this formation of heroes. As the Inquisitor, it's up to you to make the tough decisions like passing judgments of guilt and innocence, choosing which paths to follow and which to close off, and how best to use your chief weapons of fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency and a nice red uniform.

Dragon Age: Inquisition is coming to PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3 and PC on October 7.

[Image: EA]