
Samsung plans to appeal recent $120 million damages award; wants it lowered to "zero"


Samsung has finally commented on the $120 million it's been ordered to pay Apple for infringing upon their IP. The company's response, not surprisingly, is that they plan on fighting and appealing the judgement.

Bloomberg, citing lead Samsung lawyer John Quinn, reports that Samsung believes that the damages award is not substantiated by evidence and that the company will fight to reduce the damages award down to zero.

Of course we're pleased that the jury awarded Apple 6 percent of what they were asking for. But even that can't stand, because Apple kept out all the real world evidence and didn't produce anything to substitute for it, so you have a verdict that's unsupported by evidence -– and that's just one of its problems.

Samsung's law firm, Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, has proven, if anything else, that they are tenacious and are not willing to go down without a fight. Indeed, Samsung hasn't yet paid Apple the nearly $1 billion in damages stemming from its Summer 2012 trial with Apple as the company continues to appeal the judgement.

As for the most recent $120 million damages award, we reported earlier this week that 85% of that total can be traced back to Apple's "Data Tapping" patent.