
New games from Crystal Dynamics and Criterion at E3

GameTrailers' schedule of events has dropped hints of new games coming from Crystal Dynamics and Criterion, the studio behind the 2013 Tomb Raider reboot and the studio behind the Burnout series, respectively.

Crystal Dynamics has been teasing a new IP for almost three years, but according to GameTrailers, the first footage will finally be shown on Monday, June 9, sometime between 11 a.m. and noon, Pacific. While this reveal is touted as exclusive to Spike, GameTrailers lists the unannounced Criterion project as something that will be shown during EA's press conference, which starts at noon, Pacific.

Whatever Criterion's game is, it won't be developed under the guidance of studio founders Alex Ward and Fiona Sperry - the duo departed Criterion in January of this year.

[Image: Square Enix]