
Breakfast Topic: Does WoW eat your time for other games?

I was talking on twitter (I talk a lot on twitter, it's terrifying, especially since I seem to have almost no filter there) when a conversation came up that I'm not going to link to because I don't know if the person who started it wants me to. But I made a point in that conversation that I think can go here - when I'm playing WoW a lot, I tend to play other video games more as well. For instance, when I was progression raiding, I also played a ton of console games. Now that I'm not progression raiding (or raiding at all, really) I actually enjoy not playing any video games whatsoever - I do a lot more reading, some more writing, in general I feel like I'm just not in a place where I want to game as much.

As soon as Dragon Age Inquisition comes out this is going to change, of course. But the consensus from others seems to be the opposite to me - they seem to play less of other games when in the throes of WoW, and when they back off from WoW, they play more of other games.

So I decided, why not get some more thoughts on this? So I put the question to you - do you play more or less of other video games when you're playing WoW?