
Star Trek Online officially announces Delta Rising expansion


While we heard word of Star Trek Online's second expansion out of the recent Star Trek Las Vegas convention, today Cryptic has made it official.

Star Trek Online: Delta Rising is on its way to the game, bringing with it exploration into the Delta Quadrant. The expansion will raise the level cap to 60, allow for captain specializations, and add new technology and new starships. Some of the Star Trek: Voyager cast will reprise their roles for the game, starting with Garrett Wang.

"In Delta Rising, enterprising captains are sent to explore the Delta Quadrant, joining forces with and opposing the efforts of well-known species seen on Star Trek: Voyager, such as the Talaxians and Kazon, as well as lesser known species," Cryptic posted. "A lot has changed in these sectors in the 30 years since Kathryn Janeway captained the Voyager through this region of space. With a portal recently discovered within the Dyson sphere providing a quick path to the quadrant, many vessels are being sent to explore the region."

You can watch the official STLV announcement video after the break!