
Breakfast Topic: Mannoroth does not read strats

I'm sorry, but seriously, he just stood there and took the Iron Star to the face like a 4am Garrosh wipe. I'm now utterly convinced that Mannoroth's big problem is, he just doesn't read raid strats.

So what did you think of the cinematic? Were you impressed by the callbacks to the Warcraft 3 orc ending? Did you think it was funny how it seems like Grommash didn't know that was demon blood until Garrosh threw Gorehowl back to him? He seriously had a eww, that's what that was look on his face. I'm also amused that the great and powerful Mannoroth, first among pit lords, has now twice fallen for the one shot from an axe trick. At least this time it was a head shot.

I really did like this trailer. I have friends that didn't, but I did. I think it's exceedingly well done. And man, even though I don't know why Garrosh is wearing a hood/mantle, I did like the reveal. I'm still not clear on why he didn't immediately kill Gul'dan, though.