
Apple hires famed industrial designer Marc Newson to work with Jony Ive

Marc Newson is well known for putting his design touch on everything from bikes to cars to cameras to -- of course -- watches, and now he's joining Apple to work with his good friend Jony Ive. Vanity Fair reported he will be joining Ive's design team, but still work from the UK and also take on projects outside of his work with Apple. Newson has worked with Apple before, and collaborated with Ive on a one-off aluminum desk for Bono's (RED) auction last year that sold for $1.68 million. Check out his portfolio here -- while he probably can't help Apple work out improvements to cloud security and two-factor authentication this seems like the right person to design a smartwatch (or whatever it is we'll see on Tuesday) that people actually want to wear.

Update: Check after the break for an interview Charlie Rose conducted with Newson and Ive last year (via Daring Fireball).

[Image credit: Theo Wargo via Getty Images]