
WoW Moviewatch: The End of Warlords

Okay, we admit: this machinima probably isn't the actual ending to Warlords of Draenor, so despite the title it's probably not a spoiler -- but we're convinced it would be awesome if it were. Fans of long-lived television series Doctor Who will particularly appreciate this machinima (though non-fans may be confused), which merges the two franchises with a story that fits neatly into both. (And it also helps explain that whole time travel thing we're doing in Warlords in the first place.) The editing helps sell the story, neatly merging elements from different sources into a finished product that's believable... or at least as believable as time-traveling orcs can possibly be.

Blizzard, we hope you're taking notes for the next expansion. This idea is killer.

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