
Dog Days of Summer: Pluto, in the flesh and in Photoshop

Plutarch (AKA Pluto) at 14 weeks, courtesy of owner Mark Sieber

We've come to the end of the summer -- it was Monday evening in North America -- which means that it's time for us to switch over to our regularly scheduled Caturday programming. But since at least part of the week was spent in summer and we had a wonderful photo to show you, we thought it was a good idea to have just one more pup.

The handsome fellow in the photo above -- several times -- is Plutarch, also known as Pluto. At the time the image was captured, he was just 14 weeks old. That young age doesn't seem to have stopped Pluto from getting interested in Photoshop! Here his human Mark Sieber snapped a shot of both the real dog and the dog captured on his MacBook Pro.

And with that, we end the Dog Days of Summer. Many thanks to all of the dog owners who sent us photos of their companions using or lazing near Apple gear, and to the patience of the cat owners who now have their chance to send us kitty pictures!

We'd love to see photos of your favorite feline soaking up the warmth of an Apple product, chasing a Magic Mouse, or just being a general nuisance while you're attempting to work on your Mac, iPad, or iPhone. Please let us know via our feedback page and please remember that your cat photo has to have some sort of connection to Apple or its products. For security reasons we can't accept inbound attachments, so you should host the photo (Dropbox, Flickr, iPhoto Journals, etc.) and send us the link.

Many thanks to Mark Sieber and Pluto!