
WRUP: Looking forward to 6.0

As the week once again segues into weekend, team WoW Insider gets ready to kick back, relax, and, of course, game. But while we might be diving into WoW, our minds are focused on one thing: patch 6.0, which will bring many of the conveniences we expect to see in Warlords of Draenor to the game now. The patch has been testing on the PTRs and is likely to land on live servers soon... so the question is, what is everyone most looking forward to from the first game patch since Siege of Orgrimmar?

Read on to see just what the WoW Insider team thinks and be sure to chime in yourself in the comments!

Adam Koebel (@BendakWoW) I'll be playing Reaper of Souls and a little bit of WoW. I'm most looking forward to taming some new hunter pets in the Warlords pre-patch, most notably Chimaeron. That and the Iron Horde invasion stuff. I love pre-expansion events, even if none of them can live up to the Scourge invasion!

Anne Stickney (@Shadesogrey) I'll be spending the weekend doing what I always seem to be doing -- writing, with a lot of beta thrown in for good measure. As far as changes, I am so excited to have bag space again, you have no idea. The first thing I'm going to do is clean up all my bags and just stare happily at the empty slots for a little while before hitting the other stuff. I stand to have well over a hundred slots freed up just from this one patch and I could not be happier about it.

Dawn Moore (@dawnwow) I'm playing WoW this weekend. I'm hoping to finally do some more leveling on beta when I'm not raiding. As for the patch, I'm not especially excited for one thing because I like so much of it. I suppose I'll really enjoy all the tears from the other healers in my raid complaining about their class being gutted or redesigned for the worse. I've been playing holy priest most of MoP and think many of the changes are lovely.

Elizabeth Harper (@faience) I'm hoping to make some time for the beta in order to finish up a couple of garrison articles this weekend (look for them some time next week!). As to 6.0, I'm with Anne: BAG SPACE RULES!

Elizabeth Wachowski (@leeatwaterlives) I'm working, but I'll hopefully get a little Fallout New Vegas and Dragon Age II time.

Sarah Pine (@ilaniel) Not sure I'm playing much of anything. I got articles to finish, I'll be playing that game! Uh... there's been patch news? Sorry guys, I live under a rock now.

The weekend is the perfect time to kick back, relax and enjoy some game time. Are you an achievement junkie? Can't get enough raiding? Rolling a new alt? Considering taking the leap into roleplaying? Whatever your favorite way to play

World of Warcraft, let us know in the comments what you're playing this weekend!