
The Queue: What's up with Gorehowl?

Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Matthew Rossi will be your host today.

Those of you who had a holiday yesterday, I hope it was festive. Those that didn't, I still hope it was festive. I hope you had random festivities just happen because you're cool and you should get to be festive all the time.

Now let's talk about World of Warcraft. Our first question is one I've mused about before.

ChaosInHyrule asks:
do both Garrosh and Grom wield Gorehowl? if so, did Grom ever notice?

Yes, and yes, sort of. When Garrosh was transported to Draenor, he didn't have Gorehowl - he left that behind in the chamber the Heart of Y'shaarj was discovered in and where the forces of the Alliance and Horde faced the Sha of Pride. When Garrosh informed Grommash of what Gul'dan's offer would mean, the elder Hellscream wielded Gorehowl in the fight against Mannoroth. But when Garrosh took Grommash's place as Warlord of the Warsong Clan from Garroshar in Nagrand, he was using Gorehowl, and when we see Grommash in flashback scenes like the one in Shadowmoon Valley, he isn't using Gorehowl, which implies that he entrusted it to Garrosh along with the responsibility of leading the Warsong. So, since it seems that Grommash let Garrosh use Gorehowl, he probably did notice that Garrosh was using it.

Joshix says:
It seems the new transmog system is getting shape. I mailed the Stormwind Guard Transmog set to my Mage (Plate spellcaster :O) and the transmog stays active on my warrior while the pieces are gone. I hope the next patch contains the Diablo 3-like transmog system

That's actually not new. When I transmogged my epic 2h axes from Garrosh to the heirloom 2h axe, and then sent that axe to my death knight on another realm, the axes I had stayed looking like the heirloom. And yes, you can use an heirloom to transmog a non-heirloom. There's been no substantive change in transmog since they let polearms and staves mog to swords, maces and axes.

johnmeyer578 asks:
Comment on Blood Elf content: on the wowpedia page for WoD they say that the blood elf story will "come full circle from the Burning Crusade"... What could that mean?

I haven't leveled my tauren yet, but I think it's related to Lady Liadrin's involvement in helping defend Auchindoun against the Burning Legion. Expect to see more along that storyline in future patches.

HobMeadows asks:
So... has anyone tried soloing the ICC Gunship Battle since 6.0 dropped? How is it? The same as before, easier, or more difficult? Your strategy for success (or a link to same) would be very welcome!

ICC gunship now scales with ilevel. So, here's what you do to succeed on any difficulty.

  1. Get into the cannon.

  2. Shoot the enemy ship.

  3. You will win in two shots. Four at most.

That's really it. It is ludicrously easy now.

Ron2 asks:
When we allied with the AU Draenei and Frostwolves, did we try to explain the alternate timeline thing, or did we just say we're from another planet?

Pretty much the other planet thing. Of course, it's hard to tell - you'd think that Velen, for instance, would immediately know something was up when a draenei he either doesn't know or who died years ago shows up alongside a bunch of aliens he's never seen before claiming to be from a world called Azeroth. Similarly, the only green orcs on Draenor are the ones working for Gul'dan, so you'd think Thrall would get a few pointed questions, but instead Drek'Thar is all "They're cool" and Durotan immediately takes him at face value.

I'm saying a couple more lines of text with Velen saying "I know where you're really from but there's no time to worry about it now" would have been nice.

And that's the Queue for Friday. Happy trails, guys.

Have questions about the World of Warcraft? The WoW Insider crew is here with The Queue, our daily Q&A column. Leave your questions in the comments, and we'll do our best to answer 'em!