
Dropbox adds file/folder renaming and Office document editing to iOS app

Dropbox iOS

Dropbox updated its iOS app with several new features, including the long-awaited ability to rename files and folders. There's also a new "edit" option that allows users to edit Office documents in Microsoft's Office for iOS apps and then save them back to Dropbox.

According to the changelog, version 3.6 of the Dropbox app includes the following features:

  • You can now rename your files and folders!

  • Swipe right on a folder to see more actions, including rename.

  • We've moved a few things around - there's a new more actions button (⋯) when viewing files

  • On iPhones, the more actions button (⋯) also includes the full file name, size and other details.

  • Edit Office documents and save them back to your Dropbox

Dropbox for the iPhone and iPad is available in the iOS App Store for free. It is a universal app and requires iOS 7.0 or later.