
20th Anniversary Edition PS4 pays homage to original PlayStation

On the morning of the PlayStation's 20th birthday, Sony's gone full time-warp by unveiling the limited edition 20th Anniversary PS4. There are just 12,300 units worldwide of the commemorative console, and Sony warns there's "very limited" supply in the US & Canada.

The "Original Grey" PS4 echoes the clean hue and colorful logo of the first PlayStation, along with the iconic grey and black design of the DualShock. The system and controller are both embossed with a special pattern of the four PlayStation face buttons, with 2s in front of the circles to make 20s in honor of the anniversary. Also, each system is numbered with a plate in the bottom-right corner of the front, showing which of the 12,300 it is. In addition to standard extras and special packaging, the birthday boy PS4 comes with the PlayStation Camera, vertical stand and mono headset, all in the same Original Grey color.

If you fancy Sony's link to the past, you'll need $499 (499 euros) and you'll want to watch the PlayStation Experience event on Saturday, December 6 at 10AM PT (1PM ET). Sony says pre-orders open on December 6, and it'll reveal more details in the Experience keynote.

Sony's also celebrating the PlayStation's transition into adulthood with free 20th Anniversary themes for PS4, PS3 and Vita, and they're available now in the PS Store. On this day of all days, they're worth checking out if only for the return of a certain startup sound...

[Images: Sony]