
Breakfast Topic: What do you want to see in Winter Veil?

World of Warcraft's holidays are a fun change of pace from the normal daily grind, but after a while even they can seem a bit same-old, same-old. Take a look at Winter Veil, for example, which brings festive decor and quests across the land throughout the holiday season... but some of these things -- like those cookies you always forget to farm eggs for -- have been the same since the holiday first appeared.

Sure, there are some additions this year, but much of the holiday can be filed under "been there, done that," even if the holiday decorations are always nice to see. So for today's discussion: just what would you like to see added to Winter Veil in the future? Personally, I'd love to be able to bring Winter Veil my garrison for the holiday, placing excessive quantities of holiday lights on everything. That's what the holiday season is all about, right?