
Bungie gives Destiny players the gift of Legendary weapons

The down side was getting a legendary hula hoop, but on the up side, it is a really good hula hoop.

The holidays have come and gone, but Destiny players get a little more to celebrate this week. Bungie promised players a "small but Legendary" gift, and true to form, players have been receiving a single free Legendary weapon by the mail. It's not the same as what you'd get from a vendor, and it's not an engram; it's a random weapon that could be almost anything.

For some players, it's going to be a nice new weapon with just the right perks. That's the gift that keeps on giving. (Specifically, it keeps giving ammunition to enemies at high velocity whether they wanted it or not.) For others, it's going to be another copy of the same weapon you already have or an even worse one. That's how random works. Regardless, if you play the game, go in and check your mail. It's not a fresh pair of socks, at least.