
Video: iPhone and Manything app team up to catch burglars

Manything and iPhone catch a Tempe, AZ burglar in the act

Have an old iPhone or iPad laying around? You might want to turn it into a security camera for your home, as several folks have done recently using the free Manything home security webcam app. The developer alerted us to a recent TV news clip showing how the app and a repurposed iPhone teamed up to catch a young burglar in the act.

This video comes courtesy of Phoenix, AZ ABC affiliate KNXV, showing what a Tempe homeowner saw on her work computer when she wanted to check on her dogs through Manything.

The Manything app is free for a single iPhone/iPad and 12 hours of cloud recording, and then ratchets up through some very affordable pricing bands to a maximum of US$19.99 per month for unlimited cameras and 30 days of cloud recording.

TUAW blogger John-Michael Bond reviewed the Manything app and service back in August of 2014, so be sure to read the review for more information on what can be an affordable way to keep an eye on your home.