
Joystiq Streams: Free to be Super Mario Galaxy 2 for me and Wii U

After more than two years of wondering when Nintendo would finally do the obvious thing, embrace modernity, and allow games for the Wii be downloaded directly from the Internet into the Wii U, it delivered. Super Mario Galaxy 2, Punch-Out!!, and Metroid Prime Trilogy are the very first Wii games downloadable from the eShop. The latter two won't be available until later this month, but since Joystiq never turns down an opportunity to explore mini-planetoids and options for force-feeding dinosaurs hot peppers, we're going to check out Super Mario Galaxy 2 on Joystiq Streams.

Our understanding is that these releases haven't been changed in any significant way, but Nintendo's digital releases always include odd quirks. For example, who expected the Virtual Console version of Metroid Fusion to include a full color reproduction of the instruction manual? We'll see what secrets may be hidden in Galaxy 2.

Tune into at 4:00PM EST to check out how the downloadable Wii games feel on the machine. broadcasts every Tuesday and Thursday at 4:00PM, but when we get the itch to stream, we do it! So follow us on Twitch to know when we go live.

[Images: Nintendo]