
Popular card game 'Apples to Apples' takes its deck of laughs to iOS

Enjoy the hilarity of making silly comparisons in Mattel's Apples to Apples card game? Well, you can now play it on iOS devices too -- and not have to futz with a handful of cards. For the uninitiated, the game centers on players selecting the card from their hand that they think best describes the clue card played by the judge. The judge then selects the winner for the round. What's more, the role of judge rotates from player to player, so there's a bit of strategy involved. And yes, plenty of potential for inappropriate jokes. In addition to playing solo, you can challenge up to five friends in real time. There's also a selection of themed decks to choose from, covering topics like animals, dessert, geography and more. If you're looking to give it a shot, the game is available for iPad and iPhone via iTunes now.

'Apples to Apples' iOS Trailer