
ICYMI: Plant-powered lamps, livestreaming AI and more

ICYMI: Plant-Powered Lamps, Livestreaming AI and More

Today on In Case You Missed It: A coder from the Netherlands used a live webcam feed for a walk around Amsterdam, running neural network code that identified everything in view. Despite some obvious set-backs (it thought the creator was wearing a suit when he really wore a zip-up hoodie, natch), it impressively identified boats in a river and stacks of bikes. Researchers in Peru invented prototype lamps that run off of the bacteria of living plants. And a new security system for the camera-hacking adverse works by setting up a motion-detecting mesh network.

We are also rounding up the week's headlines and while we love the intergalactic friendliness of China and the US sharing a hotline to prevent space misunderstandings, we suggest starting your Black Friday by acquainting yourself with the purse that tells you to not spend money.

If you see any interesting science or tech videos, please share with us! Just tweet us with the #ICYMI hashtag to @mskerryd.