
Outlook for iOS now supports 3D Touch

It's now even faster to send an email or add a calendar event.

Microsoft's Outlook for iOS has quickly become one of the platform's best options for managing your inbox, and today it got a handy new feature: 3D Touch support. iPhone 6s and 6s Plus users can now press on the home screen icon to reveal options for quickly sending an email, adding an event to your calendar, or jumping straight into your calendar view. It doesn't seem that any 3D Touch gestures have been added anywhere else in the app, though -- you're limited to these quick actions from the home screen.

In a decidedly less useful nod to the classic days of offices gone by, Microsoft has also gone ahead and made it easy to print emails and full conversation threads directly from the message view. The days when it made sense to print emails have long since passed, but if you're someone who really still needs to deal with dead paper, the feature is there waiting for you. Just make sure you consider the environment before hitting print.