
Dell and Intel want you to create monsters for their next film

Yes, Intel's "Inside Films" series is a journey through branded content hell, but it does get the public directly involved in some lavishly produced projects. For the fourth installment, What Lives Inside, Intel and Dell are tapping your inner H.R. Giger for some creature design. Directed by Malificent's Robert Stromberg, the short film is about a man who discovers his innate creativity following the death of his puppeteer father. He's assisted in the quest by a Dell Venue 8 7000 series tablet and its depth sensing cameras, just like Gepetto had. Dell is accepting character ideas from the public until March 9th on the show's home page or Facebook site, and the episode will air March 25th. There's no specific guideline on what to create (hint: puppets), and the submissions so far are all over the place. From a sample below, we'd say you still have a fighting chance.