
Recommended Reading: When Facebook Live replaces 911

The best long-form writing on technology and more in print and on the web.

A Facebook Live stream captured the moments after Philando Castile was shot by police in Falcon Heights, Minnesota this week. During the video, Castile's girlfriend Diamond Reynolds explains that they were pulled over for a broken taillight. She says that he told officers that he was carrying a gun and had the required concealed carry permit. When Castile reached for his wallet, the police shot him. The incident made Facebook's livestreaming tool a social 911 at a time when tensions between law enforcement and the public are high.

Why can't Zack Snyder release his Director's Cuts theatrically?
Peter Sciretta, /Film

If you've been following the ongoing fallout from Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice, you've likely read that the Director's Cut of the film makes the total package much better. So, why wasn't it included in the first place?

That digital music service you love is a terrible business
Matthew Ingram, Fortune

Spotify has been open about the fact that it's not making much money, and it's not alone. This piece from Fortune explains why music streaming isn't pulling loads of money.

Without federal funding, counties brace to confront Zika on their own
Brady Dennis and Lena H. Sun, Washington Post

The US government isn't providing funding to local communities to combat the Zika virus yet, so county officials are doing the best they can to prepare.

Video game photography is a growing art form
Stefanie Fogel, Playboy

Gamers are taking advantage of the tools at their disposal to capture striking views of the worlds they spend their free time in. And the results are spectacular.