
Strategic Steps for Performing Workplace Tech Upgrades

Workplace productivity has risen by 32% since the beginning of the century. Evolution in technology is arguably the biggest factor. Changes in productivity have been higher in some industries such as food services, which have invested in restaurant management software to streamline their operations.

Unfortunately, advances in technology also create challenges in a competitive industry. Companies that failed to adapt will quickly be left behind. If you haven't upgraded your workplace technology recently, you should plan on doing so. Here are some guidelines to get started.

1. Evaluate Your Company's BYOD Policy

Many companies have been reluctant to allow employees to bring their own devices to work. They are often concerned about malware and safeguarding trade secrets. While these are valid concerns, there are a couple of disadvantages to disallowing BYOD:

  • Employees have higher levels of satisfaction and are more productive with their own devices

  • BYOD reduces the need for additional infrastructure.

If your company doesn't already have a BYOD policy, you should consider adopting one.

2. Pursue telecommuting strategically

According to Gallup, the number of Americans telecommute has quadrupled over the past 20 years. You should consider investing in the technology needed to create a remote workforce. The benefits of telecommuting are numerous:

  • Employees have more energy, because they are not driving as much.

  • Employers save money on traveling costs.

  • Telecommuting enables employees in companies with multiple locations to keep in touch more often.

However, there are also some challenges with telecommuting. It can be more difficult for managers to oversee their employees, productivity of employees with low levels of motivation may fall and employees may have difficulty forming close relationships with their colleagues. Telecommuting also isn't feasible for certain positions.
Before investing in Remote workplace technology, it's important to determine how many employees will be telecommuting and on site at any given time.

3. Use competitive benchmarks

Comparing certain performance metrics against your competitors can help you determine if you should invest in new technology. Some of the benchmarks you should use include:

  • Productivity

  • Employee satisfaction

  • Waste

  • Average project turnaround time

Are you under performing on any of these metrics? You may need to upgrade your technology to keep up with your competitors.

4. Have a compliance plan in place

New technology creates many new opportunities, but it also presents new risks. Your employees need to understand the consequences of using technology inappropriately. Take the following steps as precautionary measures:

  • Create a compliance plan. It needs to outline what do technology can be used for and the consequences for violating these policies.

  • Share your compliance plan. A compliance plan serves no purpose if employees aren't aware of it. Transparent and share it with them and make sure clearly understand it.

  • Appoint a compliance officer. Find a competent person to oversee your compliance program and hold people accountable for violating it.

Of course, the compliance plan needs to be reasonable. Make sure you get input from trusted employees on your tech team before drafting it.