
How Google RankBrain Is Fast Gaining Relevance?

Google Rankbrain

Last year saw a revolutionary release from Google when the search engine giant introduced its RankBrain on October 2015. So, what is Google RankBrain? It can be rightly defined as an AI (Artificial Intelligence) system that works to monitor Google's search results, implements progress where & when necessary and finally guide the enhancement of the company's core-search algorithm. As per the latest available data from Google, the shift to RankBrain would make the virtual world a better and easier area to search. How so? Well, the post below discusses top facts about RankBrain.

Before getting into the significance of the latest AI system, let's have a glimpse of the basics of Google RankBrain.

A unit of Hummingbird search algorithm, RankBrain AI is applied to & implemented with current Google search engine algorithms to ensure "more relevant" results on user queries. The system deploys mathematical processed teamed with advanced conception of the language semantics for a deeper understanding of why and how people search- and the conclusions gathered are duly used to find out most pertinent possible search results.

What makes RankBrain so important?

3rd most vital factor in Google's ranking algorithm

Despite its hardcore secrecy with the latest AI system, Google has finally revealed that it counts RankBrain as one among its primary signals in soring out search rankings. In fact, while discussing RankBrain's role, the search engine giant has dubbed it as its "3rd most vital SEO signal" after inbound linking & webpage content. Why so? Well, fundamentally because, RankBrain is a state of the art machine-learning AI system which can systematically process the search queries leading to better and smarter rankings placement. Instead of being pre-designed to respond in a particular way to specific situations (as is common with Google search before RankBrain), the new AI system is able to update itself easily over time. You can take the example of a robot here that is constantly working to upgrade it on its own instead of counting on external human help for maintenance.

Decodes difficult confusing queries easily

The good news is that RankBrain has been designed to sort those queries that were not resolvable previously, thereby potentially generating more impressions. Let's take the example of a commonly confused search query on Google-"top of food chain". Earlier, Google search results used to misunderstand "food chain" with top restaurants instead of the "food pyramid" that talks about food cycle maintained from single-cell organisms to the most evolved omnivores. But Google RankBrain, instead of stressing on each individual search online, basically zeroes on the whole "search session". Thus, it's always better able to decipher what the online audience actually means by his search terms on Google.

More efficient search results than engineers

Yes, Google RankBrain assures more efficient search results while compared to the manual search by Google engineers. A test conducted between Google's search engineers and RankBrain revealed that the new AI system had 80% success rate in deciding top page ranking – while the engineers lagged behind with 70% success rate.

Winding up

Does that mean RankBrain would replace link building in near future? Well, according to an article on RankCrew, RankBrain needs immense volume of content while digging out the semantic links required to grasp subtle relations in between different terms. It draws logical conclusion on a term's pertinence based on so-called relevant pages whose relevance is decided by contextual link building. Thus, link building, precisely quality link building is even more important in the RankBrain age.