
Help Leo win an Oscar in 'Red Carpet Rampage'

You won't even have to fight a bear... or will you?!

Poor Leonardo DiCaprio. Try as he might, the acting superstar just can't seem to land himself an Oscar. Sure, he's already earned boatloads of BAFTAs, Golden Globes and Emmys, but an Academy Award has remained out of reach for all of his career. But that's where you come in. The Line animation studio just released "Leo's Red Carpet Rampage," a free browser-based game that puts you in the shoes of the acclaimed actor. Race other Best Actor nominees past impertinent paparazzi, find the one black nominee in an audience, crawl to Leo's Lambo while high on quaaludes and act! Act harder than you ever thought possible -- all with three keyboard buttons. Just watch out for icebergs.