
Instagram lets anyone filter words out of comments

It's not a perfect solution, but it will prevent certain forms of abuse.


Instagram is making good on its promise to bring word filters to everyone. The photo-centric service has announced that anyone can now filter their comments to keep out abusive (or just plain annoying) feedback. If you're tired of dealing with harassment or "get more followers" spam, you won't have to spend ages blocking users or reporting individual comments. It's just a matter of choosing the right keywords to keep discussions civil.

Co-founder Kevin Systrom is quick to admit that filters and similar user tools "aren't the only solution." Ultimately, Instagram itself has to be smarter about banning users and preventing hurtful comments from showing up in the first place. However, this latest move puts a lot of power in your hands -- you can set a baseline level of quality that keeps out some offenders without silencing comments altogether.