
Google Maps now offers easy access to important info

A single swipe from within the maps gives you access to restaurant reviews and more.

Google Maps' Marcus Lowe has announced a tweak to the service that makes it significantly more useful for Android users. Nestled at the bottom of the home screen will be a new section containing real-time information for busy travelers. Simply swipe up and you'll be presented with three tabs offering data that'll ensure you never need to consult a third-party app again. At least, that's Google's plan.

The three tabs are labeled Places, Driving and Transit, the former connecting you to a curated list of nearby eateries grouped under various lists like "cheap eats" or "business dining." Driving, unsurprisingly, will calculate your route home as well as any potential delays on your journey. Finally, transit will provide ETAs for the next public transport service to get you home or direct you to a local bus or train station. None of this is new, of course, but further bundling them into the Maps app ensures that you'll have even less reason to use a third-party alternative.

Google Maps