
The 'Infamous' team is working on a Samurai game

Sucker Punch takes a step back in time.

Sucker Punch Productions, the studio behind the Infamous series, is building a new open-world game set in the mountains of ancient Japan: Ghost of Tsushima. So far, we've only seen a cinematic trailer for the new title, but it gives away a few clues: Ghost of Tsushima is set in 1247, and it focuses on Samurai life and swordplay, featuring a calculating and cruel villain intent on conquering the land.

Ghost of Tsushima is a departure for Sucker Punch. Infamous is a decidedly sci-fi kind of story, starring super-powered humans and lots of neon light. Ghost of Tsushima appears to be more serious in tone.

Sony revealed Ghost of Tsushima during its Paris Games Week event today. Sucker Punch is a subsidiary of Sony, so it's safe to expect Ghost of Tsushima for PlayStation 4 some time in the future.