
Teens get their own Amazon accounts (if their parents let them)

Adults can approve their purchases and set spending limits.

Amazon's terms of service state that anyone under the age of 18 can only use the service with "the involvement of a parent or guardian." Now, the online retailer is making it easier for parents to do just that. The company has introduced a new service that allows teenagers aged 13–17 to create their own logins tied to their parents' account.

There are multiple ways parents can set limits on how their teens shop on Amazon. Once the order is placed, the parent will receive a text or an email with the item, cost, shipping address and payment information. Teens can also input a reason they need an item. Amazon's default setting with this service is autoapproval of orders, but parents can individually approve them via text if they so prefer.

If parents want to give their teen more autonomy, they can skip the approval step altogether and just set spending limits. Once the order is placed, parents can see an itemized invoice and are able to cancel and return items, according to's normal terms.

What's more, parents can share Prime Video and Twitch Prime with their teens, allowing them to have their own account on these services. To get started, parents can visit or sign up via a text or email invitation from their teens.