
Skydio's follow-me drone takes commands from your Apple Watch

You can direct the R1 while keeping your hands (mostly) free.

Skydio's highly autonomous R1 drone is already mostly hands-free. Now, however, you might not need something in your hands even when you do take control. It's releasing an Apple Watch app for the R1 that offers basic control in those moments when you'd rather not pull out your phone. You can tell it to follow one of the people it sees by tapping on a thumbnail, switch between cinematic modes and even turn the drone by spinning the crown. You won't be piloting the R1 with the same dexterity as on your phone, but it promises to be a lot faster for those moments when you just want to make a quick tweak to the flight path.

It's an expensive control mechanism when you need an Apple Watch on top of the R1, though that probably won't be an obstacle if you could already swing the $1,999 to get the drone. As it is, buying the the robotic flier just got a little easier. The R1 is now available at some Apple stores in the US, so you can pick up both the drone and the watch to control it in one fell swoop.